Description du projet :
Swiss administrations that want to acquire new IT services have to follow a strictly regulated public procurement procedure ('procédure d'appel d'offres'). To do so, they first need to gather their IT requirements in a process known as Requirements Engineering. Then, those requirements must be published. Based on this publication, IT vendors can propose their bid. Finally, the administration chooses the best bid and mandates the IT vendor for implementing the wanted service.
The legal framework for public procurements is specified by very restrictive international agreements (GATT ' WTO). However nothing is available up to now in order to help Swiss administrations do their requirements engineering towards public procurement of IT services. On the other hand, Swiss administrations are at ease with Business Process Management and BPMN, which are enforced by the Swiss eGovernment strategy.
The project presented here aims at offering a concrete aid for Swiss administrations in the form of an online platform called CARES (Computer-Aided Requirements Engineering Software). This platform would help them do their requirements engineering, leveraging standards and best practices of BPM defined in the Swiss E-Government strategy, thus facilitating the public procurement process for IT services in Switzerland.
The main objectives of the project are:
1. Define a modeling language suited for requirements engineering in the context described (e.g. BPMN possibly extended)
2. Create a practical methodology of requirements engineering towards the public procurement for IT services
3. Set up an online platform allowing Swiss administrations to create WTO-conform procurement for IT-services (platform will include the methodology above and relevant modeling tools).
As issuing WTO-conform procurements does not only apply to public administrations, but is also useful for private companies, the platform will be generic enough to be re-used outside the strict context of public administrations.
The project will allow the HES-SO to strengthen its importance in the field of eGovernment and become a key actor in this context. It will also foster the collaboration with public and private organizations, opening the way to future projects and mandates opportunities.
Equipe de recherche au sein de la HES-SO:
Martin Simon
, Evéquoz Florian
, Duc Alain
Partenaires académiques: VS - Institut Informatique; Evéquoz Florian, VS - Institut Informatique
Partenaires professionnels: Rigert Consulting AG
Durée du projet:
01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013
Montant global du projet: 150'612 CHF
Statut: Terminé