Description du projet :
Energy renovation of buildings is today a key issue in Switzerland. It has considerable potential in terms of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the existing programs to incentivize property owners to renovate their buildings, the rate of energy renovation is far too low as compared to the expected objective. It is therefore essential to understand how to improve, strengthen or modify these incentive schemes. We assume that the positive externalities caused by energy renovation are too often omitted from the calculations, whether made by property owners or public policy.
Based on the existing literature, specific expert interviews with key stakeholders and survey data from property owners, the project aims at a better understanding of the underlying motivations and barriers of property owners that drive renovation schemes. In addition, our project aims at assessing the effectiveness of existing incentive schemes and in which way they could be improved. The insights gained by this project should help to reduce energy consumption and make existing energy supply systems more incentive-compatible, thus more resilient. Finally, the project will provide an important foundation for the acquisition of further research projects on the topic, which requires a lot of attention from the dide of researchers and practitioners, including policy makers.
Equipe de recherche au sein de la HES-SO:
Wanzenried Gabrielle
, Beringhs Antonin
, Weber Sylvain
Durée du projet:
01.06.2023 - 31.03.2024
Statut: Terminé