Description du projet :
Every society has developed institutions for the integration and organisation of its members, including "specialised" ones for people who cannot be sufficiently integrated. The project examines four of them using qualitative methods. It focuses on the analysis of space-time regimes and questions of the exercise of coercion and care.
Such "special" institutions have a history. The prison, as Foucault or Goffman show, is a prominent example. Currently, it is being debated whether the principle of the prison also extends to other "special", (more or less) "total" institutions and whether society is undergoing a "carceral turn" - recognisable in the securitisation of many areas of life.
The project aims to: (1) understand the extent to which the "carceral turn" is affecting societies such as Switzerland and its institutions, and (2) identify, through the analysis of specific institutions, the extent to which they follow the prison principle in the implementation of their mission, which includes coercion and care, or are influenced by a "carceral turn".
To this end, the institutions of prison, psychiatric clinic, old people's centre and asylum centre will be examined to see how the organisation of members takes place in space and time and which regimes of coercion, characterised by the simultaneity and contradictoriness of restriction and care, can be observed. These regimes are characterised by their materiality, technology, practices, attitudes and perceptions of those affected and involved, and the social embeddedness of the institutions.
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of such "special" institutions, to recognise the extent to which they exert coercion and how those affected and involved perceive and deal with this coercion. The general aim is also to contribute to the discussion of the role and logic of social institutions and the question of the extent of the "carceral turn" in contemporary society.
Equipe de recherche au sein de la HES-SO:
Richter Marina
Partenaires académiques: Hostettler, Ueli, Prison Research Group, University of Bern; Marti, Irene, Prison Research Group, University of Bern; Wyssling, Jago, Prison Research Group, University of Bern; Hänni, Anna, Prison Research Group, University of Bern
Durée du projet:
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
Montant global du projet: 844'483 CHF
Statut: En cours