His research interests include reconfigurable computing, electronics design automation (EDA), and security.
He is the author of the fast compiler for FPGA DynaRapid, and the co-author of the High-Level Synthesis compiler Dynamatic, among other EDA tools for FPGAs ans reconfigurable platforms. The technology he developed and worked on during his career has been adopted by major semiconductor companies such as MIPS, Intel, and AMD-Xilinx.
He authored several dozens of papers presented at prestigious international venues such as the International Symposium of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays(ISFPGA), the Design Automation Conference (DAC), Space Computing Conference(SCC), and Quality Electronics Design (ISQED). He is also the author of a book on System-on-Chip Design with Arm, and editor of a book on Applications enabled by FPGA-based technology.
Andrea’s work has earned him several prestigious awards, including Best Paper Awards at FPL 2024, HPEC 2024, and ISFPGA 2020, held in Seaside, California. He has also received multiple Best Paper nominations at FCCM 2022 in New York, FPL 2022 in Edinburgh, and the European HiPEAC 2022 award. In 2021, he was recognized as a Senior Member of IEEE. Andrea actively serves as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member, artifact evaluator, and session chair for key conferences such as DAC, DATE, ISFPGA, ICCD, FCCM, FPL, and ISQED. He was honored with the Outstanding TPC Member Award at DAC 2024 in San Francisco, California, USA.
He participates in and leads multiple international projects, and he is currently collaborating with partners across Switzerland and Silicon Valley (USA) to shape the next generation of EDA tools and reconfigurable computing platforms for both terrestrial and space applications. His key collaborators include industry giants like AMD-Xilinx, NVIDIA, Arm, NASA, and CERN, but also academic institutions such as ETH Zurich, University of Geneva, and California State University. He is chair of the Onboard Computing topic for the Swiss consortium CHEESE affiliated with NASA SSERVI (Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute), located at AMES Research Center, Mountain View, California, USA.