Description du projet :
Improved and cheaper distributed generation and energy storage technologies are the reason of a proliferation of converter-interfaced Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in power distribution grids. From an asset perspective, distribution grids are becoming more and more like "gridconnected microgrids". Compared to conventional distribution grids with DERs, the notion of "gridconnected microgrids" refers to the capability of operating "islanded" (i.e., maintaining a stable power supply even if disconnected from the public power grid). There are two types of islanding: involuntary and voluntary. The former is an automatic maneuver implemented at the DER level to protect against unexpected losses of the public grid; the latter is a deliberate disconnection from the public grid.
Both these maneuvers will be critical not only for microgrids' users (as these maintain power in case of blackouts) but also for enabling more resilient and secure interconnected power grids. Indeed, involuntary islanding enables keeping portions of the power grid energized (critical for grid restoration); voluntary islanding could contribute to avoiding the activation of expensive and disruptive load-shedding mechanisms in case of under-frequency contingencies.
However, moving from a distribution grid with DERs towards a "grid-connected microgrid" requires designing robust, reliable, and cyber-secure algorithmic strategies for controlling and coordinating the various DERs.
This project contributes to tackling these challenges through two main avenues:
1. Design control and scheduling algorithms to ensure the synchronization (grid forming) and coordination (secondary control) of multiple DERs within a microgrid. The main milestone will be to operate multiple converters within a microgrid as parallel grid-forming units. Indeed, commercial systems available today typically consist of a single grid-forming converter, with all other converters operating in grid-following mode, a setup prone to single-point failures. Migrating towards synchronized converters (all operating in grid-forming mode) will enable a more resilient setup.
2. Design a risk analysis for all microgrids' components and derive practices to minimize the probability of microgrid failures. Cybersecurity, critical for guaranteeing secure operations of power electronics-intensive communicating systems such as microgrids, will be explicitly considered. The ultimate goal will be to integrate both online and offline contingency plans in the algorithms developed in point 1. Given the importance of cybersecurity, the project intends to deliver a set of guidelines for future deployments of grid-connected microgrids. The secure and reliable algorithms developed in points 1 and 2 will be implemented and tested in the microgrid laboratory of HES-SO VS. Tests will include a resiliency analysis against specifically designed cyberattacks and contingencies.
This project opens opportunities for industrial collaboration and future research. More resilient grids and microgrids interest network operators, real estate developers, and end customers. The PVinverter company Studer Innotech shows an interest in this topic. Swissgrid and Hitachi Energy with its e-mesh microgrid solution could be interested as well.
The research could be expanded to integrate the reduced-scale transmission grid demonstrator available at the HES-SO FR to expand its capabilities.
Research team within HES-SO:
Berns Wolfgang
, Huber Jan
, Germanier Alain
, Thurnherr Gabrielle
, Rosset Denis
, Héritier Daniel
, Crettenand Aurélien
, Kenzelmann Stephan
, Haab Luca
, Sossan Fabrizio
, Cassano Stefano
Partenaires académiques: VS - Institut Systèmes industriels; FR - EIA - Institut iSIS; VS - Institut Energie et environnement
Durée du projet:
01.02.2024 - 31.12.2025
Statut: Ongoing