Description du projet :
A quality relationship is known to be an essential ingredient of "good work" inprofessional mental health nursing (e.g., Hahn et al., 2018). However, it may behampered by challenging settings (McAndrew et al., 2014) and by the fact that theevidence base for methods to support nursing staff to develop and maintain goodtherapeutic relationships is poor (Hartley and al., 2020). Relational and socialdifficulties often accompany mental disorders or are part of their symptomatology:loneliness or the feeling not to belong, isolation, social withdrawal, indifference to theoutside world. Music favours 'social bonding' (Dunbar, 2012), which is reflected inSmall's (1999) concept of `musicking' and his idea that 'the essence of music lies not inmusical works but in taking part in performance, in social action' (p. 9). DeNora's(2013) concepts of removal and refurnishing are promising to categorise different offersor activities involving music listening in the context of mental health care.On the basis of these theoretical elements and taking into account the fact thatsustainable change in the care context requires involvement of all actors (Bovet et al.,2021; Güsewell et al., 2022), musical listening workshops will be designed andimplemented in two adult psychiatry and/or psychogeriatric units, one at the Centrehospitalier universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), the other at the Fondation de Nant, as part ofan action-research project. Inspired by the phenomenological listening workshopsdeveloped by Vion-Dury and Mougin (2021), these workshops will be organized and ledby music-loving and interested caregivers (i.e., 'facilitators' trained in the approachand accompanied by an expert music mediator). Patients will be involved in the choiceof music. The objective of these workshops will not be primarily therapeutic; the idea israther to put the illness and the clinical context in parenthesis, to privilege the humanencounter and to pursue together the question "What did it feel like to listen to thispiece?'
Through a mixed methodology including participant observation, trace collection (i.e.,patient productions and short weekly telephone interviews with facilitators), andin-depth interviews with facilitators and volunteer patients (if their condition permits),the exchanges and interactions generated by the setting up/implementation of theseworkshops will be documented, and their impact on the subjective well-being andsense of belonging of patients, satisfaction at work of caregivers, and the caregivingrelationship studied.
The planned outputs are articles in scientific and professional journals, presentationsat conferences or professional meetings, a tutorial for institutions or care teamswishing to implement music listening groups, and the organization of aninterdisciplinary and international colloquium bringing together professionals andresearchers around the issue of the encounter between music and mental health. Fromthe point of view of outcomes, the aim is above all to bring about a lasting change inpractices in the partner institutions and, given the involvement of teachers andstudents from HESAV (Haute école de santé Vaud) and HEMU (Haute école demusique), to have an impact on professional training.
Research team within HES-SO:
Stocco Virginie
, Bovet Emilie
, Weber Thierry
, Gaspar Dos Santos Sarah
, Cabin Léonore
, Güsewell Angelika
Partenaires académiques: IRMAS - HEMU - VD
Durée du projet:
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026
Montant global du projet: 35'615 CHF
Statut: Ongoing