Description du projet :
The project focused on the organisational resilience of healthcare institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to explore the processes implemented by staff to address problematic work situations caused by this crisis. The investigations covered both the individual level (coping strategies) and the collective level (anticipation and adaptation processes within teams). The study also aimed to identify the effects of these processes on work performance and constraints. It was based on a longitudinal protocol, with a questionnaire administered three times to the same sample, in spring and summer 2020, and then during winter 2020-2021.
The study enabled the construction and testing of a measurement instrument for organisational resilience. It produced novel insights into the anticipation, detection, and adaptation processes implemented by teams in the context of the pandemic. The results helped to better highlight the role of frontline professionals in organisational resilience, in order to optimise crisis management systems in healthcare institutions. Theoretically, the study enriches the developing field of ‘resilient healthcare’. Finally, it provides interesting results on a little-studied theme: the relationships between individual coping and organisational resilience processes.
Equipe de recherche au sein de la HES-SO:
Weissbrodt Rafael
, Roos Pauline
Partenaires académiques: Corbaz-Kurth Sandrine, Haute école Arc santé
Partenaires professionnels: Jacques Pralong, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Durée du projet:
01.05.2020 - 15.09.2021
Montant global du projet: 117'500 CHF
Statut: Terminé