Description du projet :
RENOWAVE is a Flagship project funded by the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse. Its objective is to reduce the CO2 emissions in the Swiss built environment by addressing building retrofit and switching from fossil fuels to renewable energies. Buildings are a major source of Switzerland’s CO2 emissions, and the existing stock will represent the overwhelming part of the sectorial energy demand for the several upcoming decades. The challenges (technical, financial and organizational) related to large-scale and efficient retrofits are numerous, interrelated and transdisciplinary. RENOWAVE addresses building retrofit in a process of co-construction between researchers from various fields and implementation partners representing the various stakeholders involved in the complex process chain of renovation. Therefore 46 implementation partners and 16 research groups from industry, research and public authorities collaborate on 16 topics related to the retrofit of the building stock. The project started in February 2022 and will end in February 2026.
Research team within HES-SO:
Rinquet Lionel
, Fowler Grit
Partenaires académiques: Pierre Hollmuller, UniGe; Igor Bosshard, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule; xxx, Hochschule Luzern
Partenaires professionnels: SIG; Ville de Lancy; OCEN
Durée du projet:
01.02.2022 - 31.01.2026
Url of the project site:
Statut: Ongoing