The European Academic Network for Open Innovation – (OI-Net) is an EU co-financed project designed to promote coopera,on on open innovation research and educa,on. It consists of 51 academic and industrial partners from 35 European countries. One of the outcomes of this project is the first European Survey on IdenCficaCon of Industrial Needs for Open InnovaCon EducaCon. The OI-Net project partners collected over 500 responses from European companies (large, SMEs, and micro firms) and this execu,ve report provides the summary of the key findings on the adop,on of open innova,on in companies, self-perceived status of open innova,on and importance of skills and abili,es that open innova,on specialist should possess. Also this report presents comparison of the open innova,on ac,vi,es between companies who claim to adopt open innova,on (adopters), plan to adopt (planners) and those who do not adopt and not planning to adopt it in the future (non adopters).