Description du projet :
The GEM survey generates a variety of relevant primary information on different aspects of entrepreneurship and provides harmonized measures about individuals' attributes and their activities in different phases of venturing (from nascent to start-up, established business and discontinuation). GEM also tracks highly ambitious entrepreneurship (by identifying aspirations to grow among owner-managed businesses and the presence of entrepreneurial employee activity). All harmonized measures can be enriched with information
on inclusiveness, using as lenses age, gender and income. The GEM survey also provides insights on the perception of whether the entrepreneurship ecosystem's components support or hinder entrepreneurial activity in the economy.
Output: Rapport 2024-2025
Equipe de recherche au sein de la HES-SO:
Roniger-Widmer Corinne
, Wild Pascal
, Burkhard Danielle
, Dougoud Maya
, Gaudart Raphaël
, Baldegger Rico
, Meier Samuele
, Simonet Gabriel
, Zurkinden Lucia
, Casagrande-Caille Laurence
, Fritz Jürgen
, Apalkova Viktoriia
Durée du projet:
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025
Statut: En cours